Italy > Lazio > Province of Frosinone

Here you can find information on the province of Frosinone and a list of all municipalities.

The province of Frosinone consists of 91 municipalities. A total of 468,438 inhabitants live on an area of 3,246.96 km² (as of January 1, 2022).

Brief info with map available here: FROSINONE

The capital of the province is Frosinone with 44,003 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2022). Frosinone is a modern city with a rich history. There are numerous historical buildings to be found here, including the cathedral, the castle of the Conti di Ceccano and the Archaeological Museum. The city is also known for its excellent restaurants and culinary specialties.

Besides Frosinone, there are many other charming towns and villages in the province, such as Anagni, Alatri, Veroli and Sora. These places offer both cultural and natural attractions, such as medieval churches and cathedrals, ancient ruins, picturesque squares and streets as well as beautiful landscapes.

The landscape is characterized by rolling hills, olive groves and vineyards. There is also the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park, which offers a spectacular landscape of mountains, forests and rivers. The park is a popular destination for hiking, climbing and other outdoor activities.

The province of Frosinone is also home to numerous thermal springs and spas, such as Terme di Fiuggi, which have been known since Roman times and are a popular tourist destination today.

Overall, the province of Frosinone is an attractive region with a rich culture and history as well as a beautiful landscape and many leisure activities.

The municipalities of the province of Frosinone

  • Acquafondata
  • Acuto
  • Alatri
  • Alvito
  • Amaseno
  • Anagni
  • Aquino
  • Arce
  • Arnara
  • Arpino
  • Atina
  • Ausonia
  • Belmonte Castello
  • Boville Ernica
  • Broccostella
  • Campoli Appennino
  • Casalattico
  • Casalvieri
  • Cassino
  • Castelliri
  • Castelnuovo Parano
  • Castro dei Volsci
  • Castrocielo
  • Ceccano
  • Ceprano
  • Cervaro
  • Colfelice
  • Colle San Magno
  • Collepardo
  • Coreno Ausonio
  • Esperia
  • Falvaterra
  • Ferentino
  • Filettino
  • Fiuggi
  • Fontana Liri
  • Fontechiari
  • Frosinone
  • Fumone
  • Gallinaro
  • Giuliano di Roma
  • Guarcino
  • Isola del Liri
  • Monte San Giovanni Campano
  • Morolo
  • Paliano
  • Pastena
  • Patrica
  • Pescosolido
  • Picinisco
  • Pico
  • Piedimonte San Germano
  • Piglio
  • Pignataro Interamna
  • Pofi
  • Pontecorvo
  • Posta Fibreno
  • Ripo
  • Rocca d’Arce
  • Roccasecca
  • San Biagio Saracinisco
  • San Donato Val di Comino
  • San Giorgio a Liri
  • San Giovanni Incarico
  • San Vittore del Lazio
  • Sant’Ambrogio sul Garigliano
  • Sant’Andrea del Garigliano
  • Sant’Apollinare
  • Sant’Elia Fiumerapido
  • Santopadre
  • Serrone
  • Settefrati
  • Sgurgola
  • Sora
  • Strangolagalli
  • Supino
  • Terelle
  • Torre Cajetani
  • Torrice
  • Trevi nel Lazio
  • Trivigliano
  • Vallecorsa
  • Vallemaio
  • Vallerotonda
  • Veroli
  • Vicalvi
  • Vico nel Lazio
  • Villa Latina
  • Villa Santa Lucia
  • Villa Santo Stefano
  • Viticuso