The mysterious and secret island

Sardinia is a land full of secrets, legends and myths. Sardinia never ceases to amaze with its enchanting landscape, mystical buildings and natural monuments. Anyone visiting the region with an open mind and a light heart will be captivated.

Italy > Sardinia

Sardinia is an island region in the western Mediterranean with a total area of 24,099.45 km². The island has a population of 1,587,413 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2022). The region is known for its breathtaking beaches, crystal-clear water and diverse landscape.

The landscape of Sardinia is very varied and includes mountains, hills, valleys and flat plains. The island also has many nature reserves and national parks helping to protect the rich flora and fauna. The most important nature reserves include the Gennargentu Mountains and the coast of the La Maddalena National Park.

Sardinia also has a rich history and culture, which is reflected in many ancient towns and villages. Cagliari, the region’s capital, is an ancient city with a historic old town, a castle and an amphitheater. Other important cities in the region are Sassari, Alghero and Olbia, all of which are famous for their historic buildings, museums and festivals.

The island is also known for its excellent cuisine, based on fresh ingredients and traditional recipes. Some of the most famous dishes are porceddu (grilled suckling pig), culurgiones (stuffed pasta) and pane carasau (thin, crispy flatbread). Sardinia is also known for its wine, including Cannonau and Vermentino.

The beaches of Sardinia are some of the most beautiful in Europe and attract many tourists every year. The Costa Smeralda, situated in the north-east of the island, is known for its crystal-clear waters and luxurious resorts. The Costa Verde, in the southwest, is known for its wild landscapes and secluded beaches.

Sardinia consists of four provinces and the metropolitan city of Cagliari, which we would like to introduce to you here:

  • Cagliari – Brief info with map available here: CAGLIARI
  • Nuoro – Brief info with map available here: NUORO
  • Oristano – Brief info with map available here: ORISTANO
  • Sassari – Brief info with map available here: SASSARI
  • South Sardinia – Brief info with map available here: SOUTH SARDINIA

Overall, Sardinia is a fascinating region with a rich history, a varied landscape and an excellent cuisine. The island region is particularly known for its enchanting and incomparable beaches.